
Studio Nectar

Location: 633 Bloomfield Ave.
Artist: Amy Gofton
Coordinated by: Kathryn Waggener McGuire, Clerestory Fine Art

“SEEDS: carriers, spreaders, invaders, propagators, messengers, transformers, historians, artists, mothers, nurturers, of the future and the past. Whirling, carried by air. A whole universe, sometimes just a pinpoint.”

Amy Gofton is owner of Studio Nectar, and artisanal floral and event design studio providing botanical artistry.

The beauty off the natural world lies in it’s ability to draw you to it's secrets” a whirling pattern on a butterfly’s hindwing, a dimple in a natural apple, the delicate structure of an oat grass seed. There’s something wild yet graceful about our designs. The seasons inspire us, and we celebrate their bounties and contrasts. Each design is an expression of our awe for all that blooms and decays, perfect in its imperfection.

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Purchase Inquiries


Steve Kelly - It's Over. 2020 @ 631 Bloomfield Ave.


Rorshach - Noise @ The Clubhouse, 131 Glenridge Ave.